Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday Five.. the 2015 edition

6 months? really?  Ok, lets dive in with an easy Friday 5.

  1. CIM-- deferred to 2016.  Training was going well until mid October when a whole host of issues came up.. Illness, medication changes, lack of motivation...By the time early november came along, I knew my quest had to be postponed.  Luckily, CIM instituted a deferral program just. this. year. 
  2. New races in 2016!  Not just CIM on the docket.  Shamrockn' half marathon is on my calendar -- I even registered the first day so I could get the awesome gift of a trucker hat. Also on tap is the Super Sunday 5k and the. vancouver. marathon.  I think that's enough.
  3. Did the local turkey trot for the second year in a row.  Ran it 20 seconds slower than last year, BUT since i hadn't run at all in the 4 weeks prior to it, I'll take that as a win.
  4. Read an awesome book by Elizabeth Gilbert called "Big Magic." I cannot say enough good things about it.  Please pick it up. Buy it for your friends for Christmas.  Buy it for your neighbors. Buy it for yourself.
  5. Looking at this and thinking , "what the *&^#$* are you thinking?"

Pic of me on the Sacbee website.  I knew it would pay off to wear hot pink in a sea of green!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I get to return the comment favor! Anyways, I will check out that book.

    And I got a non-deferral race (Sarasota half marathon) to defer my entry to this year. It was a sucky spring. I can't wait to run it next March!


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Well this just happened... Guess I should start writing again...