Monday, March 9, 2009

Sorry I've been a little absent

Ok Ok. I'm totally lame these days. I'm so busy with feces, (I mean thesis) crap that I am not doing much but figuring out the edits I got back from my editor. On top of that, my desktop computer crashed so I've been working on a foreign laptop (It is swedish--ha ha!)frantically trying to finish edits. The editor took a lot longer than I anticipated so I'm hurrying to make a stupid self-imposed deadline. On top of everything else, I've been having to take care of a sick family member both in the hospital and back at her home. Blah.

I have not run.
I have not biked.
I have not swam.

I'm total suckage these days. I am not doing Shamrock'n half marathon next weekend obviously. I'm not even sure about the season at this point. Should I even train to race? Once this thing is turned in, I'll have more time to re-assess my racing status. I may just "train for fun"--which kind of sounds like an oxymoron. The motivation I have for training now, is that I paid BT for their bronze level membership--I want to train the rest of the year so that the membership doesn't go to waste.
I just need to finish the freakn edits. I just find there are a lot of citations that I just don't know how to do correctly. Like how do you cite a footnote in Chicago style when the source document was never published and has no discernable page numbers? HOW??? Or if you are citing a quotation within another (secondary) source, but you can't tell (because it was translated) who was the original source? ARRRGGG!

Anyway, hopefully back on the bike soon. Only 9 more weeks until end of semester.

I have been putting on a lot of weight recently--although the muffin top has disappeared (HURRAY!). Probably all the boxes of Girl Scout Cookies I have been consuming. I was thinking that GSCookies would be great to eat after a race maybe alongside a big bowl of salty popcorn and a beer--which made me wonder... "What is the strangist thing you have ever eaten after a race?"


  1. Awwwhhh girl, sometimes life just gets in the way. Whatcha gonna do? ;-)

  2. Yes, life does get in the way. Don't be too hard on yourself, you can only do so much!

  3. Darn computers always seem to die at the worst times. And I don't see anything wrong with training just to be training and feeling good about yourself.

  4. good luck with that feces, lol! I'm on BT. Username keyone.

  5. Just take it a day at a time. That's all we can do. Take care!


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Well this just happened... Guess I should start writing again...