Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Now for our regularly scheduled program

Due to the sucky "help" (and I use that term loosely) via blogger, I have been unable to post comments. I went online to 'accept' comments from you good people and to 'reject' comments from all the chinese spammers who apparently love my blog but was greeted to this error:

Please bear with me. I have turned off comment moderation for the time being--Chinese Spammers rejoice.


  1. I came across your blog from the feedjit feed - thanks for reading mine!
    On Chinese spam, for a while I felt bad about deleting it -like "What if it's some Chinese runner who is posting from a far away land?!" then I translated it. :P


I LOVE comments!!! Please feel free to comment on the post or just say, "Hi"!!!

Well this just happened... Guess I should start writing again...