I wrote the following as a "guest poster" a few weeks ago for Bobbi's Zero to 26.2 blog --I really liked it so thought I might post it again..
I guess this post is a follow up to my post titled "Seeds of Triathlon". While my forays into triathlon had a distinctive Indian source, my introduction into running did not. Like many of you, I ran a bit as a kid here and there. I chased boys around the playground as a small child, although I was often hindered by the need to pull up my knee-high, strawberry shortcake socks.
I wasn't a particularly athletically gifted kid though. I sucked at dodgeball--I mean, really. Being the only brown kid, I guess I stuck out like a sore thumb and became an easy target.
The best thing any baseball, basketball or football teacher ever said to me in elementary school was, "Nice effort". I hated P.E. with a passion, mostly because of the awkwardness and embarrassment of always being chosen last or next to last.
Yeah, I was that kid.
Fast forward a few years--Jr. High. That bastion of hell. By the time my 12th birthday rolled around, I decided that I was going to be smart. Not athletic. Certainly not pretty (no girl thinks they are pretty during Jr.High, do they?). Mandatory P.E. still caused embarrassment, although not to the extent as elementary school.
Then something weird happened. During our usual forced military run during P.E., I decided that I would rather get the darn 1/2 mile run over and done with. And guess what? Instead of being middle of the pack, I was the first girl done. The next time I ran a "bowl" (that's what the 1/2 mile was called) the girls were sent out first. 1 minute later, the boys were sent to chase after us. I decided that I was not going to let any boy pass me; I turned my legs faster and I felt the wind whip through my aqua-netted hair. In the end I almost succeeded--a boy from the Jr. High Track team beat me by 10 seconds. But he was the only one. I remember coming home and telling my dad about my running that day and that I beat everyone except one boy. His response was, "Of course--you have my genes." I didn't know what that exactly meant but for the first time, it dawned on me that I might be good at some athletic endeavor. It blew my mind.
Two years later, I enrolled at high school. One of my friends said to me, "hey, let's go out for cross country." Without a second thought, I said, "Ok". I didn't even know what that would entail. I set out for my first "practice run" on a Saturday afternoon in August. It was probably 105 degrees and I was running on asphalt with no water, old nikes and baggy shorts and a cotton top. Not my best run. Slowly I learned the rules--buy good shoes at fleet feet, not at payless shoes source. Don't wear cotton if you can help it. Drink lots of water before you run. Drink lots of water after you run. Year after year I persevered in my running. I wasn't the fastest and I wasn't the slowest either. That was ok with me-- my expectations had been so low, i was thrilled to be a part of a running team; other things changed in my life though. My social circle became wider, my grades went way up and I was placed in AP classes. All of this I credit to cross country and track.
During college I didn't run with the college team although I did run sporadically on my own. After college, the usual craziness of life took hold and running ceased completely.
Then right around my 27th birthday I (on a dare) ran a race with my mom. Again, it changed my life because it sparked in me that old nostalgic feeling of accomplishment of something I never thought possible. Throughout graduate school I trained for a half marathon or a local 5k. Then after I finished my degree, I registered for every race I could afford. And now I have 2 marathons, 9 half marathons, 1 half-ironman, 2 olympic triathlons, unknown sprint triathlons and 5k's under my belt.
And I have this..
The seeds of running sprouted very well, indeed. Thanks so much for reading!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
What's New?
I am happy to announce that I am feeling much better! Not everything is resolved healthwise but MD believes they will be soon. With his 'green light' I started running again last week and managed 23 miles! First 3 runs of the week felt terrible--seemed to lose my breath after half mile, etc. By the fourth run, though I felt back to my old self-- a bit slower but at least not struggling.
- Did 4 runs last week and 1 this week
- 2 bike rides (23 miles)
- Did Shiva Rea's Creative Core and Lower Body Workout. Granted I am totally out of shape but this 30 minute DVD kicked my ASS!
- Completed one "two-a-day" workout consisting of a noontime run and bike ride after work!
- Today's training includes a short 'brick' workout: mountain bike ride (6-8 miles) and transition run (4 miles).
- I feel VERY tired every morning so morning workouts haven't yet happened. As I continue to feel better, I hope that I can commence with those soon.
- My weekly mileage goal for this week is 30 miles.
- I switched to handheld bottles for my shorter runs. The Ultimate Direction handhelds have worked really well for me--and no one is more shocked than I am. Because I don't have to constantly "GRIP" the bottle, I barely notice that I am carrying them.
- RugRat #2 had her first cross country race for the year. She placed 6th overall and was a monster at the end of the race. Some girl from another school bumped her and tried to push RR out of the way so she could get in front. RR scrunched her nose and got a look of anger I RARELY see and is usually reserved for fights with RugRat#1. She pushed back and kicked her legs the last 25 yards and lunged across the line to barely edge out the other girl. Then she collapsed and almost threw up. Thata Girl!
(not really RR#2, but a good facsimile)
Friday, August 19, 2011
life isn't always haa haa hee hee
Some of you may be wondering why my posts have been so boring lately; or why there hasn't been any 'running' posted.
As posted, I was very ill the week before SF Marathon. That illness hasn't really gone away, unfortunately. I feel ok but subsequent blood tests with doc show a concern. I've had 4 rounds of blood tests since August 2nd and things are not looking good. Next might be a CAT scan, possibly followed by biopsy.
Doc says I can run as long as I feel ok. Frankly I'm scared. I don't know why but RUNNING scares me --and that seems beyond rediculous. Every night I set out my stuff to run in the morning and every morning I wake up, turn off my alarm and roll over to sleep more.
Anyway, I hope maybe some good news might come my way from the ol' MD soon . To lift my spirits, I will be going to see Bill Maher live tonight in Sacramento. Maybe he has some MRI jokes or something.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
You Never Can Tell
When the Rugrats were very young, hubby would sit down with them and read in the evenings before bed. One of their favorite books was called, "You Never Can Tell"--the lesson of the book was that seemingly bad things can turn out good--and conversely, good things can turn out bad. Here is how that book might play for me.
- Moved to a po-dunk small town at age 14--ripped away from all my friends and everything I knew.
- The Po-dunk town turned out to have a great highschool with wonderful teachers and academic counselors who pushed me to achieve.
- Po-dunk town also exposed me to biggoted behavior by some of my classmates.
- I learned to deal with this behavior in a constructive way. I tried to be the best at everything so that no one could criticize me.
- Perfectionism has its limits as a coping mechanism.
- Cross Country (and running in general) became another way to "work on my issues".
- I got injured from running. A lot.
- Knowledge and ability to perceive injuries and be in tune with my body gave me an appreciation of healthy habits.
- Watching my dad die after a lifetime of unhealthly habits broke my heart.
- Met my now husband after he read my dad's obituary in the local paper.
- Hubby was in the middle of a messy divorce with two kids when we met.
- He helped me deal with my dad's death. I helped him deal with the breakup of his family.
- I realized that stepkids and exwives could be a real pain in the butt.
- Also realized that I didn't want to have my own biological kids and that knowledge freed me to pursue my Master's degree without guilt.
- Master's degree sucked up 7 years of my life-- 7 years i'll never get back.
- I learned the true meaning of the word, "Perseverence"
That's about as far as I can go with it myself. What about you? What events did you think might be "bad" but then turned out to be "good" for you?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Guest Post!
As part of the Great Big Bloggy Post Exchange (GBBPX), I have a guest post from no other than Julie. Here's her great post below! My guest post is at Bobbi's blog zeroto26.2. Take a gander!
Hi, my name is Julie and I'm so excited to be guest blogging here on Karen's blog. You can find me blogging at http://mondaynightgolfandsurfvacations.blogspot.com where I spend a lot of time talking about my family, our adventures and the sport of triathlon. Whenever someone asks what my blog is about, I always come back to this interview I did with my daughter two years ago when she was five years old. Her simple love for self came shining through and I like to think that my blog is a full circle journey of my own life coming back to a simpler place, where if someone were to ask me if I like myself I could follow Mai's lead and say "Yes. Lots."
An interview with Mai (Age:5):
Julie: Hi Mai.
Mai: Hi Mama. You ready?
J: Ok, here we go. How old are you?
M: 5.
J: What's the best thing about being a girl?
M: I like wearing eye shadow.
J: Do you love yourself?
M: Ya.
J: What do you love most about yourself?
M: I like that I can play on my swingset.
J: Do you not like anything about yourself?
M: NO!
J: What's the favorite part of your body?
M: My head ~ because I can think. I can think about math, my stuffed animals, my mom, and what I'm going to do tomorrow.
J: What's the least favorite part of your body, if you have one?
M: My feet.
J: Why your feet?
M: Because you can't decorate them very much - just polish. Plus - they stink.
J: Are you a happy person?
M: Ya - I'm a real happy person. Like, if we lose our house, we don't have to worry because we have lots of family and neighbors to help us.
J: Do you have any worries?
M: I think my great grandma's going to die when she's 100. I got a book that says humans only live to about 75 and she's 87.
J: Are you scared to die?
M: Yes, because I'll miss my cousins. I have a little baby cousin named Evan and I know I'm going to die before him 'cause he's younger.
J: Do you ever look in the mirror?
M: Yes, when I'm putting on my eyeshadow.
J: Do you like what you see?
M: Yes.
J: If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?
M: My clothes.
J: So you like who you are?
M: Yes. Lots!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
A bit of me and you...
Feeling a slight touch of post-marathon malaise. I haven't run since last sunday but not for the usual "I'm too sore". In fact, other than monday night my muscle soreness has been unusually mild. I am simply relishing relaxing these days.
- Not sure about doing Run on the Sly 50k. I think I am well enough trained, but not sure if I want to run 32 miles in 100 degree weather. No matter what spin I put on it, I can't seem to find a bright side to running nearly a 1/3 of a century in blistering heat.
- Instead, I may opt to do a local 50k in November since the Sacramento area in November is usually nice and cool. This does raise the potential for MUDDY trails but I think I would rather deal with mud than heatstroke.
- I have family that lives in the following areas. If you ar from those areas, let me know! Leave me a comment. Surrey, BC; Vancouver, BC; Missouri; San Francisco, CA; Mesa, AZ; Tracy,CA; England; Punjab, India; Texas; Sacramento,CA; Rocklin, CA.
- Still trying to find another local-ish marathon to do in May/June. Local-ish means northern CA. I might consider Southern, CA or Nevada. Ideas?
- Also wanting to nail down another half-ironman for next year. Vineman 70.3 is a possibility, but wondering if there are any other choices nearby. Again, I hate travel so something local-ish is best for me.
- I have checked out from the library and am currently reading the following works: The Post-American World, Zakaria; War and Peace, Tolstoy; My name is Red, Pathuk; Absalom, Absalom, Faulkner. Light reading, I know.
What are your next adventures? Any upcoming races? Is your season winding down or just getting started?
Thursday, August 4, 2011
My Story
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Marathon Reactions
I've experienced some interesting reactions to my marathon the last few days. First let me premise it by saying, i'm not the type of person to say, "hey look at me look at me, I did a marathon!" In fact only 2 people at my work even know that I participated. Here are a couple of the responses:
- Bagger boy at the grocery store. This little punk I asked to help me out to my car with the cart of groceries. Because I was walking slow, and because he asked me "hey did you do anything exciting this weekend?", I volunteered that I had finished a marathon the day before. His comment,"Yeah, but did you RUN the WHOLE THING?? Otherwise it doesn't count" What the fk? I answered, with a patent lie, "other than 2 piss breaks, yes". Who is this guy, who was huffing and puffing to push my cart to my car--the marathon police? Honestly!
- My mom's idiot boyfriend (IB) told my mom that since my time was so slow that I obviously wasn't well trained. In fact when I was struggling after mile 20 and I texted my mom for moral support, I found out he told her that I might as well just drop out because I was going so slow. NOT that I need to defend myself at all against the likes of IB, but I really think that he and I might need to have a little chat to discuss perseverance--that quality that lets us continue on even when nothing is going the way we want it to. IB is the type of guy who WINS local races (or did in his heyday 4 decades ago); now is just a bitter old man that has trouble running and drops out of every race he starts when he can't manage a 5:45 pace any more.
So my question to you? Have you ever experienced people who try to denigrate your accomplishments ?? Maybe out of ignorance (like the huffy puffy bagger boy) or maybe out of jealousy, like IB? How do you respond?
UPDATE: I just found out that IB is now EX-IB. Hurray!!!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
San Francisco Marathon Race Report
I hesitate to call this a 'race' report as I did the slowest marathon i've done (of 2). As someone once told me, some days you're the hammer and some days you're the nail. On July 31, 2011 I was definately the nail.
I was fighting a flu/cold fever all last week, so i wasn't even sure if i would be able to participate at all. Finally on friday evening, some of my friends (who were registered for the half marathon) convinced me to go down to SF with them and stay in their accomodations. So I went. For shits and giggles I wore my, "I overtrain so I can drink wine" running shirt. I figured any little thing that might help would be good.
It was such a tough, but inspiring day for me. I saw so many people of all shapes and sizes working their hardest to take on a challenge. I even saw two sikh men with turbans running--one must have been nearly 70 years old--the other had had a stroke and was running, mouth downturned, one arm not working properly--but determined nonetheless to complete this endeavor. It brought tears to my eyes to see that. For all my whining of aches and pains and flu/cold, here were two men near my grandfathers' age kicking my butt!!!
I was not sure if I would even complete the whole marathon since i had been feeling so lousy the week prior, so my contingency plan was to drop out at the half way point if things were feeling too icky.
Lo and behold around mile 13 i felt great so i continued on. By mile 16 however, my determination was flagging and i was having a really hard time moving. And I was slow--and getting slower. I saw old men in knee braces pass me on hills as I walked and I started to worry about the sweep passing me and saying, "Sorry ma'am. You are done for the day." This produced more anxiety which made (I think) my performance worse. The relentless hills didn't help my mentality--I so wanted to drop out and and pull the lever on my contingency plan. I even saw a place I could easily walk to, where my brother could come and pick me up. But my pride wouldn't let me do it. I also thought about Misty who often writes about her endurance runs-- how she is sometimes a very slow runner--but she always keeps going, regardless of what anyone else around her is doing. Eventually i just figured it would take less time for me to finish the race than it would to flag down a medical person and request an escort back to the start. My first marathon last year was done in 4hours 45 minutes.
Yesterday it took me 5:20 (i had 5:15 on my garmin, so 5 minutes of potty breaks) so it was quite a bit slower than last year. Bro was at the finish line and ran in with me cheering and that was really wonderful. I was cursing though, "Where is the fkng hell is the finish line!!??"
Today i am so happy i finished it even though my time is nothing exceptional. I'm thinking of doing another marathon (here in sacramento) in December. :)
When I got home, there was a big banner across the whole garage door--and as I very gingerly exited my car, all our neighbors came out and clapped for me!! It was so awesome!
For you viewing amusement, here is a video from SF Marathon. I'm wearing a bright pink shirt and black shorts.
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